Best Quadcopter Buy and Fly Shootout 2018 Below is a list of my current buy and fly quads, a general discussion of each one and which is currently my favorite. Gear In A Nut Shell Review: SPC Maker 140x – my newest and current favorite. Best flown on 3s for racing and 4s for acro. With […]
Other Reviews
Firestone Air Bag Kit For 2016+ GMC Canyon or Chevy Coloardo
We upgraded from a 19′ Airstream to a 23′ and the extra tongue weight was causing the rear of our truck to seriously squat even with the aid of a weight distribution hitch. For whatever reason, it took Firestone ages to finally release a kit that works with our truck but I am […]

My entry into quads and my journey into the realm of FPV. Gnarly FPV Guppy, QQ190 Falcon RTF, DJI Mavic Pro, Blade Inductrix Tiny Whoop Review
No, not really. In the six months since I have started flying, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a “best drone”. Big surprise right? I own a total of five drones at present, they all get flown and each one excels in its own realm. Gear in a […]

DJI Mavic Pro Broken Gimbal Ribbon Fix
FSLabs DJI Mavic Pro Gimbal Flexible Flat Pcb Gimbal Ribbon Cable – WORKS! Broke my Mavic Pro’s gimbal ribbon three days ago. After reading the nightmares people have been having with DJI’s repair / service department I decided I would take a crack at fixing this my self to save money and time. I rolled […]

FPV Goggles with the DJI Mavic? Moverio BT-300 vs. Avegant Glyph Hands On Review
FPV Goggles Paired with the DJI Mavic? Gear In A Nutshell Review: Within minutes of flying the DJI Mavic it was apparent that we were missing the FPV experience that we had when flying the Parrot Disco. Since DJI has not yet released their version of FPV goggles to the public, we took to the […]

Parrot Disco Review
***Update #3 09/28/2016*** We decided to take the Parrot Disco into the desert where we feel conditions would be “optimal” to see if we could get this thing to reach closer to it’s advertised range. We managed to get 650 meters with the FPV. At 700 meters the video feed began to hang and at […]

Hats Off To EVGA Customer Support – Geforce GTX 1080 FTW Review – In Progress –
Gear-In-A-Nutshell Review: Something did not go well when the 980 series GPU’s were manufactured. I had nothing but problems. EVGA’s customer support / RMA program made what could have turned out to be a nightmare, into a fairy tale. I somehow emerged with a GTX 1080 FTW in place of my 980 GTX K1ngpin. In […]

DIY Build Your Own Fume Extractor
We are in the process of acquiring a Trotec Speedy 400 120 Watt C02 laser cutter / engraver and decided we wanted to build our own fume extraction system for a few reasons: We could save gobs of cash building our own unit compared to the Atmos System We could save gobs of cash by […]

Trotec Speedy 400 120 Watt CO2 Review
Trotec Speedy 400 120 Watt Review: If you were like me, you have spent countless hours researching these machines and digging through forums… or trying to. Sawmill Creek is the most prominent forums that covers both Epilog and Trotec in some detail in the form of user feedback / experiences. I quickly came to my […]

Iphone 5 Case Review: Lifeproof vs Songkran 2013
My i-phone 5 vs the Songkran, the World’s largest, government approved, water fight on the planet! With the Thai New Year only days away, the city of Chiang Mai will become what is quite possibly, the World’s largest water fight for 2 days straight. In an attempt to capture video footage and take photos, I […]